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The general solution of the plane problem in plastic region was given in the paper. This solution is limited to polar coordinates and the nonhardening material. In the paper are given same individual solutions of problems in the plastics region on the basis of the general solution. In this paper, on the basis of results of two papers earlier mentio...

By Amra Talić Čikmiš, Nedeljko Vukojević, Suad Hasanbegović, Fuad Hadžikadunić

The tensile strength of parts obtained by Cube 3D printing is described in this paper. The material of the parts are PLA. In the research through the statistical analysis of results we checked whether the tensile strength of standard test specimens made by this method is equal to the tensile strength of the material. Experimental research has consi...

By Dragi Tiro

Measurements, calibrations of contact thermometer have been conducted on prototype/standard – apparatus for calibration of contact thermometers on solid surface (in following text just prototype). In order to make the calibration obtained result whole an estimation of measurement uncertainty is done. The possibility to vary parameter of influ...

By Narcisa Jarović-Bajramović, Nermina Zaimović-Uzunović, Edin Terzić

The paper aims to answer if the industrial robot is a motif of accelerated trend of automation and modernisation of production processes in automotive industry in the world. It describes the application of industrial robots in the World for the period from 2009 – 2014. It offers analysis of the application of industrial robots in the automoti...

By Isak Karabegović, Safet Isić, Ermin Husak

Currently, the issue of the quality is one of the most debated. The most important theme is represented by the way in which organizations are able to build a competitive strategy based on quality products and services in the circumstances of the increasing pace of competition. This scientific paper proposes to bring into question the continuous imp...

By Titu Mihail Aurel, Raulea Andreea Simina, Titu Stefan

Journal of University of Zenica