ArcelorMittal Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina
University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina
University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina
University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina
Neuro-fuzzy systems represent a modern class of hybrid intelligent systems. They are described as artificial neural networks characterized by fuzzy parameters. The combination of two different concepts of artificial intelligence tries to take of individual advantages of fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks in hybrid systems of homogeneous structure. Such systems are increasingly being used for solving of everyday complex problems. The possibility to display fuzzy models in the form of neural network is commonly used in the procedures of automatic determination of fuzzy model parameters based on input-output data base. This paper introductuces an application – software based on adaptive intelligent neuro-fuzzy system ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro – Fuzzy Interence System), which enables fuzzy structure training, vibration and temperature predicition and representation of data related to vibrations and teperatures of process fans four slide bearings in the systems
of basic sinter-making industry.
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