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Bearing in mind that the wheel sleeves of motor vehicles are exposed to strong dynamic loads, and knowing that these are very responsible parts of the constructions, the need for permanent researches of the influence of certain variables on the process of production of them is imposed. The prepared part which, in this case, is obtained by forging f...

By Sejfo Papić, Fuad Klisura, Safet Velić

30.11.2019. Subject reviews

The fracture of a part or element of a construction can also be defined as a macroscopic separation of the material that leads to the loss of a solid body load. The fracture is the end result of plastic deformation and occurs when all the potential of the material in terms of elastic and plastic deformation is exhausted. This is the worst case of e...

By Mirsada Oruč, Raza Sunulahpašić, Mustafa Hadžalić

At the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Republic of Serbia, there is an ongoing student project of a light parallel hybrid vehicle. The purpose of the project is to provide students an opportunity to use their theoretical knowledge in praxis. The project enables students not only to improve their engineering skills, it enables...

By Nikola Ilanković, Boris Stojić, Dragan Ružić, Nikola Tepavac, Dragan Živanić

Two different system modelling can be distinguished in life cycle assessment: attributional and consequential. Attributional modelling is used to describe the present state of the examined system and is characterised with use of allocation, no substitutions, market average suppliers, and cut-off principle. Consequential modelling is used to describ...

By Boris Agarski, Đorđe Vukelić, Miodrag Hadžistević, Milana Ilić-Mićunović, Igor Budak

Production planning and control, as one of the managerial responsibilities in any production industry, have become increasingly complex during the last few decades particularly in the SME`s. Shortening of lead-time has been addressed as a major competitive edge. This paper presents the CAE approach to arriving at PPC decision in a SME`s for furnitu...

By Alan Lisica

While performing ordinary oil condition monitoring on industrial systems, we can often notice that hydraulic oil has changed its color. The source of the problem can be very difficult to locate and is often consequence of complex chemical processes in hydraulic oil. Finding the root cause of oil varnishing in hydraulic machine design and its operat...

By Vito Tič, Darko Lovrec

This paper presents the results of the activities of Kakanj cement Plant and the German organization GIZ carried out during the Project: „Coprocessing of municipal waste as alternative fuel in cement industry“ in period from June 2015. to June 2018. Partners in the project were:- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Zenica (partner of Kaka...

By Almir Bajtarević, Amna Bajtarević, Fuad Hadžikadunić

30.09.2018. Professional pappers

Waste water is taken from the place of origin to the receiver with the prior treatment of sewage consisting of a set of pipes, canals and structures. Sewerage is done by domestic (sanitary) and industrial wastewater.Treatment (conditioning) of wastewater is a procedure for reducing pollutants to those quantities or concentrations by which purified ...

By Haris Mešić

30.06.2018. Orginal scientific papers Maintenance of work equipment and systems

Twin screw compressors are extensively used in applications which require pressures higher then allowable pressure in oil free compressors but would benefit from oil free operation such as food processing, pharmaceutical industry etc. The major limitation for achieving high pressures is due to prohibitively high temperature increase in oil free ope...

By Ahmed Kovačević, Sham Rane, Nikola Stošić, Graham Stupple

Hydraulic cylinder malfunctions are very common causes for the failure of the operation of the hydraulic system. Most common causes are in cylinder’s seal failure, whereby the error by replacing the seals can be relatively quickly eliminated. In the case of frequent occurrence of the same failure, the problem should be more carefully addresse...

By Darko Lovrec, Vito Tič

Journal of University of Zenica