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Noise is one of the greatest factors that has an affect on damaging our environment. Traffic noise affects mostly the population that has no direct contact with noise sources, and as such, traffic noise presents a very serious social problem. This paper presents traffic noise measurements on locations of the Main City Highway in Zenica. Among other...

By Nejra Turčinović

The paper presented the first experiences in the implementation of FSC standards in the area of Zenica-Doboj Canton. The number of corrective actions through all intervals of implementation of FSC forest standardization from 2013 to 2019 is shown. The largest number of noncompliance with the FSC standards referred to Principle 4 - Community relatio...

By Kenan Zahirović, Merisa Osmanović, Emir Đulić

In the time of the world’s growing need for multilingualism it is necessary to examine all possibilities for teaching foreign languages in a faster and more efficient manner. Instead of passive users, we need engineers who actively use foreign languages. CLIL is an approach that insists on economization of time needed for foreign language acq...

By Aida Tarabar

30.11.2019. Subject reviews

The fracture of a part or element of a construction can also be defined as a macroscopic separation of the material that leads to the loss of a solid body load. The fracture is the end result of plastic deformation and occurs when all the potential of the material in terms of elastic and plastic deformation is exhausted. This is the worst case of e...

By Mirsada Oruč, Raza Sunulahpašić, Mustafa Hadžalić

At the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Republic of Serbia, there is an ongoing student project of a light parallel hybrid vehicle. The purpose of the project is to provide students an opportunity to use their theoretical knowledge in praxis. The project enables students not only to improve their engineering skills, it enables...

By Nikola Ilanković, Boris Stojić, Dragan Ružić, Nikola Tepavac, Dragan Živanić

Injury at work is an unwanted event that occurs on almost every type of job. Especially in heavy workplaces such as mines, especially underground exploitation, ironworks with workplaces where temperatures are high, chemical industry and the like. A part of these injuries will deprive the worker of further activities at the workplace and lose workin...

By Sabahudin Jašarević, Munir Karić, Fuad Klisura

The Plant and Pollution Registry is an important mechanism for strengthening shared responsibility, reducing pollution and promoting sustainable development. Once established, the plant and pollution register will be made available to the public and any person with a legal interest may request access to the register and issue a copy of the registry...

By Muvedet Šišić, Šefket Goletić, Halim Prcanović

The main focus of this paper is to present the TQM practices of 593 companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition, our results confirm that there are statistically significant differences in TQM practices between firms in a highly competitive and less competitive environment, as well as between firms with and without ISO certificates. TQM practi...

By Mirza Kulenović, Ljiljan Veselinović

In this paper the influence of different machining parameters on the surface roughness, cutting force and material removal rate during turning process using MQLC (minimum quantity lubrication and cooling) system was investigated. The experimental plan was defined using Taguchi’s method. Orthogonal array L9 (34) was selected for four input par...

By Mario Dragičević, Edin Begović, Ivan Peko

31.05.2019. Professional pappers

Spare parts are parts of machines, plants and equipment (technical systems) that should be available for replacement when canceling them for various reasons - breaks, abrasion and deformation. By replacing them, the observed technical system places itself in the possibility of functional use. In order to enable the possibility of eliminating failur...

By Safet Brdarević, Fuad Klisura, Sabahudin Jašarević

Journal of University of Zenica