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30.09.2016. Conference paper

Reality in industry, thinking of maintenence approach in many cases, is disproportional with available technologies and knowledge. This situation is decreasing company´s competitiveness or decreasing the possible or projected profit. In the global market, when resources show stable or increasing prices, and final product price drop, future is...

By Haris Trobradović

This paper summarizes the experiences of many organizations in migrating from an asset care (maintenance) culture to a whole life cycle asset management approach, and the benefits obtained from this transformation. It will explain the evolution of the modern discipline, and the practical steps that can be taken to break down the barriers between de...

By John Woodhouse

Mixed-mode fracture in delamination test utilizing double cantilever specimens loaded with bending moments is investigated in the paper. FEM simulations are performed using cohesive zone model where different configurations of test loadings and two critical fracture energy values, ie. two fracture process zone lengths, are considered. Fracture ener...

By Josip Kačmarčik, Pejo Konjatić, Aleksandar Karač

Packaging of poly(ethylene) terephthalate (PET bottles) can not be avoided in this day and age, because it is used in food packaging and consumer goods. After utilization of the product's packaging becomes waste that pollutes the environment, occupies a large volume space in landfills and has a very long period degradation. Due to the that the PET ...

By Jovan Sredojević, Amina Ahmić

Establishing rational system for waste tyre management in Bosnia and Herzegovina would represent significant contribution to environmental protection and usage of alternate energy sources. Waste tyres represent valuable raw material which can be recycled by mechanical and thermal processes. In European Union 80% of all produced waste tyres are used...

By Jovan Sredojević, Maja Krajišnik

Journal of University of Zenica