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Abrasive waterjet cutting process is accepted effective technology for cutting various materials. Cutting process is based on kinetic energy of waterjet and abrasive particles which are used for material removal in the cutting zone. Erosional contact between abrasive particles and cutting components leads to damage in abrasive waterjet cutting syst...

By Safet Brdarević, Ajdin Jeleč

31.12.2016. Orginal scientific papers

Austempered Ductile Iron is a class of ductile iron subjected to a specific heat treatment process (austenitization and austempering). The heat treatment gives to that type of Ductile Iron an excellent mechanical properties and an especially good strength-to-weight ratio. However, designers in most cases are unfamiliar with this material that can c...

By Hasan Avdušinović, Šehzudin Dervišević, Almaida Gigović-Gekić

Use of alternative fuels as energy sources in cement industry is practice which is proven as very effective and which is used in cement factories in Europe and world, more and more. One of the biggest advantages of this concept is reducing of consumption of non-renewable, fossil fuels. On the other hand, improvement of environmental protection is a...

By Almir Bajtarević, Amna Bajtarević

The process as activity or set of activities uses/use resources in order to transform input parameters into the output. Each organization has a number of more or less related processes. The quality of realization of related processes with the rational use of allnecessary resources is very important for the quality of the final business result. Ther...

By Senada Pobrić, Smail Klarić

This paper studies the differential equation of the second order in the segment [0, π] with varying delays. Construct a characteristic function of the operator generated by this equation and the boundary conditions at the ends of space, studying certain generalization of these operators, which naturally imposed....

By Ismet Kalčo

The rating of quality of the main production process of production business systems (MPPMBS) is a very complex task. That is why in the world there is no generally accepted method for measuring the quality of MPPMBS. This paper deals with one of the possible ways to measure and assess the quality of MPPMBS with the aim of maximizing objectivity. Be...

By Safet Brdarević, Sabahudin Jašarević, Sejfo Papić

From the point of quality production management, the flexible group production of furniture has its specifications that are the subject of this paper work. The organization of production and the quality control has to start from the clear defining of customers’ requests. Within the condition  of this production concept, the customers&rsq...

By Sanin Hasanić, Safet Brdarević, Murćo Obučina

30.06.2016. Professional pappers

Gear failures have a major impact on the reliability of many machines andthe importance of monitoring and fault diagnostic of gears is very large. Bymonitoring the condition gets an insight into the state and can take themaintenance activities that prevent greater damage on machines and plants.This paper analyzes the possible causes of gear failure...

By Amir Halep

30.06.2016. Preliminary notes

Commonly, maintenance is perceived as “fixing broken things”. As such, it is associated with failure consequences and unplanned expenses, both of which negatively impact business plans or customer satisfaction. However, as failures are an inevitability of the life of any technological system, it would be worthwhile to start looking at m...

By Jezdimir Knezevic

30.06.2016. Professional pappers

Robot manipulators are usually used in many industrial apllications where a number of practical tasks should be executed. The very important part of that execution is interaction between robot and environment. Control of the interaction is crucial for successful execution of industrial processes. Typical applications include deburring, machining, a...

By Sedin Murtić, Edin Begović, Malik Čabaravdić

Journal of University of Zenica