Faculty of mechanical engineering, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina
It is obvious that higher education throughout Europe within the Bologna Process has been, and still is, undergoing serious and far-reaching reform processes with the ultimate goal of creating a European area of higher education. Quality assurance has been identified as one of the key segments of this process. In a series of communiques from ministerial conferences dedicated to the implementation of this process has been emphasized that higher education institutions are responsible for quality assurance in the first place, while the responsibility of creating preconditions and building an institutional framework for external quality assurance is on state bodies. The challenge of Bologna's reform in higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is, due to its complex Dayton constitutional arrangement and its fragmentation, far greater than in other countries. Although, formally, not yet a part of the European Union, B&H, by signing the Bologna Declaration in 2003, accepted the obligation to reform and align its higher education with the requirements of the Bologna process. In this respect, significant advances have been made in Bosnia and Herzegovina over the past decade. The University of Zenica as one of the eight public universities in B&H has been an active participant in these processes since the beginning and until now it inherited a significant experience from the external evaluations of its work in the European area of higher education. Therefore, this paper focuses on systematizing what has been done so far, identifying problems and defining strategic directions
for further development of the concept of quality assurance in higher education of B&H through the activities and vision of the University of Zenica on this path.
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