Faculty of Technical engineering, University of Bihać , Bihać , Bosnia and Herzegovina
KRUPA KABINE d.o.o. , Bosanska Krupa , Bosnia and Herzegovina
Faculty of Technical engineering, University of Bihać , Bihać , Bosnia and Herzegovina
The basic objective of machine structure testing is to reduce the number of structures without satisfactory quality, which are either discarded as scrap or sent for additional machining. The non-destructive testing can detect surface and internal errors in structures, depending on the applied testing method, which enables total quality of the product without structure damage. One can also monitor and analyze the quality development and costs control in the exploitation process, thus enabling the balance
between quality control and cost control. Carried out tests would not only detect the error in the structure, but they can also determine its size, intensity, shape and position. The error is lesser if discovered early in the manufacturing process. The error is usually easier to remove in the early stages of production, which may not be possible in the finished product.
This papers shown the control on welded joints of cabine, especially ROPS and FOPS methods important for these machine structures.
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