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Omar Kopčić ,
Omar Kopčić
Contact Omar Kopčić

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sabahudin Ekinović
Sabahudin Ekinović

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


There are many ways to accomplish optimization of machining process. In the experimental part of this paper, the optimization of machining process is accomplished from the aspect of cutting conditions, which are independent variables (speed, feed, and cutting depth), whereas the dependent variables refer to the surface roughness, more precisely, arithmetic average of surface heights and resultant cutting force, including
main cutting force, feed force and thrust force. Once the matrix of the experimental plan has been created, on the basis of a complete multifactor plan with eight points, with previously determined upper, middle and lower levels of cutting parameters for turning, the experiment followed. Once the results of surface roughness were measured by perthometer, as well as results of cutting forces by dynamometer, the optimization of
machining process was treated by means of predetermined methodologies,
described in this paper.


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