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Belma Islamović Čavkić ,
Belma Islamović Čavkić
Contact Belma Islamović Čavkić

Faculty of Technical Engineering, University of Bihać , Bihać , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ermin Bajramović
Ermin Bajramović

Faculty of Technical Engineering, University of Bihać , Bihać , Bosnia and Herzegovina


The mechanical properties of steel structures are largely dependent on their operating conditions, with the operating temperature being a crucial factor. Welded constructions require even more attention as the welded joint and its surrounding areas are affected by changes in material during the welding process due to heat input. A study was conducted to test the base material and welded joint made of low-alloy carbon steel A516 Gr. 70 using the tensioning method at five different temperatures for the base material and one temperature for the welded joint. The results and comparative analysis were presented in graphical form in the article, and data analysis was carried out to draw conclusions. The study confirmed the wide range of applications of this type of steel and the reliability of structures made from it. The findings of this study can help engineers and designers to better understand the behavior of steel structures under different operating conditions and make informed decisions regarding their use in specific applications.


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***EN ISO 6892-1:2019, Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 1: Method of test at room temperature.
***EN ISO 6892-2:2018, Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 2: Method of test at elevated temperature.
***EN ISO 4136:2013, Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials – Transverse tensile test.


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