Regional incineration process by regional landfill site Mošćanica is a chance for municipality of Zenica and municipalities nearby. The obligations of the municipality towards EU regulations could be fulfilled by building one incinerator plant. Current waste management strategies and (role beaks) adopted for dumping waste by Bosnia and Herzegovina, Federation of BiH is not sufficient. Currently, 30 to 60 percent of total regional waste is being gathered and deposited. Full implementation of recycling waste will not be possible for a longer period of time, as it is only in it's development phase. Even after completing this recycling phase, there will be enough waste to get incinerated in a plant. Huge amounts of waste are being deposited in regional landfill sites. To extend the life of these regional landfill sites, all this waste should get treated afterwards. Distance heating of the city, the production of electricity necessary for this process, electricity and heat for industrial plants, as well as efficiency, could be achieved by using this kind of solution of waste management.
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