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Sanela Hrnjica
Sanela Hrnjica
Contact Sanela Hrnjica

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bihać , Bihać , Bosnia and Herzegovina


Machining speed is one of the most important components in the production process, so it is necessary to use the most complete program package or software. Esprit is the ideal choice, because it is a CAD/CAM software in which it is possible to draw, model, program, and finally generate G-code for any machine tool. It is a very powerful, highperformance
tool with a full spectrum of programming systems for milling, turning, drilling, etc. This paper will cover the milling programming process and show some of the most used options offered by Esprit. One of important features of this software is the realistic simulation of the process itself on the machine, what bears significance in the machining process especially in milling on five-axis machines.


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