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Haris Mešić
Haris Mešić
Contact Haris Mešić

JP "Vodovod i kanalizacija" d.o.o. , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina


Waste water is taken from the place of origin to the receiver with the prior treatment of sewage consisting of a set of pipes, canals and structures. Sewerage is done by domestic (sanitary) and industrial wastewater.Treatment (conditioning) of wastewater is a procedure for reducing pollutants to those quantities or concentrations by which purified wastewater discharged into natural aquatic systems becomes nonhazardous to life and human health and do not cause unwanted changes in the environment. The city project is therefore focused on the necessary measures for the collection and treatment of urban wastewater, ie, for their transport to the designated location for the new wastewater treatment plant
and its construction. The basic solutions for wastewater treatment depend primarily on the composition of wastewater and the results to be reached, ie the degree of purification.


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